I’d love to begin this article by congratulating President Elect Donald Trump for emerging victorious in the highly polarized American election.  

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I’d love to begin this article by congratulating President Elect Donald Trump for emerging victorious in the highly polarized American election.  You can be sure the US elections inspired this article.

What we witnessed is an emphatic statement to the establishments and to those in power; citizens are not going to sit helpless under regimes only serving the elite. They will demand accountable leadership. I hope all government, brands & corporate leaders are taking note of the Arab uprising, Brexit, the protests in South Africa & South Korea and now America voting into the White House an outsider.

To some people, this election was women on trial. Emotions have flared up since. In Kenya, we have seen lobbyists and feminists, media houses and more, question: Are women really fit to lead? Was America ready for a female President? Gender, just as race, both beautiful components of our diversity are being used to divide us. Are we justified to pass gender as a primary metric when choosing our leaders? You tell me. 

Leadership in my opinion, should be based on moral & ethical values, policies, a proven track record, integrity and accountability. The world we live in today however, has spun gender (an inclusive component we should
celebrate), into a highly divisive argument. Congratulations Main Stream Media. You’ve done it again. 

Humanity is scared; no one prepared the world for globalization. Citizens are desperately in search of leaders who would protect their interests, dispel their worries and guarantee them a better future. Somehow, we turned
this into a racial slur, tribal alignments & gender-based accusations. 

Growing up, I imagined leadership would be a matter of principle but what I am learning as I age is, humans are very irrational. We make decisions based on emotion and rarely on merit.  

I am in support of great leaders, regardless of their gender. A great leader would make gains for all humanity 
Let’s lay a good example for future generations. Until we speak again, I am your host. Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. 

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