KEEPING YOURSELF MOTIVATED There are going to be days when you slack, when you feel like you cannot go on,...

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There are going to be days when you slack, when you feel like you cannot go on, when you are completely dejected and lost. It is on days like these that you will need to dig deep and get the motivation to continue to move forward. Motivation comes from a number of places. You can read motivational stories, books, watch motivational videos and listen to motivational songs and speeches.

Through your life journey, you will encounter obstacles. Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal. Making changes in your life can be extremely challenging and when you find obstacles on every path, there are high chances that you may want to give up. But in order to toss out that mediocrity from your life, you need to stay motivated. 

In order to remain motivated, you have to strongly believe that whatever it is that you are working on, is going to happen. You cannot have a moment of doubt. You need to wake up every morning, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself, “I believe something wonderful is going to happen today.” You can also use various other similar affirmations to bring about materialisation in your life. But whatever you are affirming, ensure that you believe.

If you have accomplished even the tiniest of tasks, celebrate. Now when I say celebrate, I don’t mean you need to pop open a bottle of your most expensive champagne, but you can just buy yourself a delicious bar of chocolate, or indulge in a cup of coffee from your favourite coffee shop and so on. Rewarding yourself will keep you motivated to continue working towards your ultimate goal.
Do not wait for others to motivate you; motivate yourself always.   Wishing you all, a good day ahead. From Patricia 

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