FEMALE PERSPECTIVE By Lillian Sudi – Irritating things men do to get women’s attention

Irritating things men do to get women’s attention “You look exactly like my future wife, those legs just remind me of her”, words from a random man...

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Irritating things men do to get women’s attention

“You look exactly like my future wife, those legs just remind me of her”, words from a random man approaching my friend and I as we walked past him.

This pickup line was directed towards my friend who had a very confused stare before bursting out with laughter once she
finally figured out what he was trying to say. I’ll give it up to that man for being courageous enough to actually use that pick up line;  it was creative. It didn’t get my friend the least bit interested but it sure did get a good laugh out of both of us.

I am not quite sure who invented pickup lines because they hardly ever have the desired effect. My assumption is that they are intended to get a girl interested, hence picking up their attention, maybe? No? Hehe, well I am sure it was somewhere along those lines and more so, they were intended to be sexy or at least sexy-ish. The only problem is that they never work, the only way for a girl to respond would be to laugh and walk away because “No”…heaven is not missing an angel because I am here and neither do we want you to walk by again despite the fact that we do not believe in love at first site. Jeez! I mean who comes up with those horrible lines though? Stop!

The wolf whistle is equally mortifying. What does that sound even mean? It is often interpreted as the sound of a sexual predator that needs serious rehabilitation. It has never been known to positively impact on the relationship between a man and any woman. Another irritating sound I’ve come across is “Psst”. I laugh because is it that the man has nothing better to say or …what else could the problem or reason be? This breed of men will only find something to say, when you refuse to turn heeding to the
random noise they make, conveniently insulting you because you did not graduate from their school of thought and therefore were never taught how to reply to “Psst”.

Women love attention, no lie. It always feels good when a gentleman approaches you and starts a simple, respectful conversation, occasionally complementing your eloquence or choice of outfit. It is never a good show when a man makes you feel uncomfortable by coming up with desperate pickup lines or makes horrible noises because more often than not, they end up irritating the hell out of us. Do have a fantastic weekend and do not forget to read my colleague’s piece from a male perspective. From Sudi! To get a male perspective on this, please click HERE to read my colleague Mitch’s post

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