MALE PERSPECTIVE By Mitchell Odhiambo – Irritating things women do and I don’t know why?

Irritating things women do and I don’t know why I wanted to pen an article on the irritating things men do to gets women’s attention then I...

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Irritating things women do and I don’t know why

I wanted to pen an article on the irritating things men do to gets women’s attention then I quickly though, O boy, I know not a thing about that. Make sure to check out my colleagues’ article on that. Just a fair warning, if you got a gender like mine, keep your handkerchief close by; you might need it.

There are things though as men, that we find unbearably irritating about women, but since we dare not say them, we suffer in silence. The onus rests with me today, so I’ll take one for the team. I have a nervous feeling, courtesy of this article; I’ll earn myself a return trip to Dubai or at the very least, lunch for a week. To our lady friends, we hope you take this lightly. Written with love from the men’s fraternity.

Gradually starting off from the bachelor’s corner, I will graciously edge into the happily married. My single pals rated this top of the list, the indecisive behaviour; one day she is deeply in love with a man, the next she doesn’t want to see him and this cycle goes on throughout the lifetime of the “relationship”. Whoever invented this should burn in hell.  Men are not built to handle it. If you found yourself in this situation, take some time off until you can take decisive action.

Next in line, is the overly attached/clingy behaviour which rivals pretty close against the insecure one. If you are always  texting your man; “you just left and I already miss you” or “expect him to call you 10 times in 12 hours” you will soon have a problem. Allow him to occasionally log off into his cave. He needs it so he can get his groove back.

At the other extreme of the pendulum is the outright display of insecurity.  “You think she is prettier than me, don’t you?” Never ask a man that. In his mind, he is wondering “I chose you, can’t you see that?” Worst of all, is if you cry or yell at him while doing this. O, my friend, you are pushing him away. Take a breather and he will reassure you often  that you are the woman of his dreams.

And ultimately, the sloppy behavior. Word on the street is, married men are the greatest complainers. I’ll let you know an open secret. Keep your A game, you didn’t lose while dating, keep it now that you are married. You don’t want a grown up wondering why you look stunning while leaving the house and grow lousy the minute you walk back in.

Those are my two cents. Keep it locked. Keep it real. Until we speak again, I am your host. Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world.  To get a female perspective on this, please click HERE to read my colleague Lillian’s article.

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