Wellness Wednesday By Patricia Mollyne Mataga ‘Have a Success Model or Two or Ten’

HAVE A SUCCESS MODEL OT TWO, OR TEN Tell me something, do you have a success model? Who is he/she? Whom do you admire? And...

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Tell me something, do you have a success model? Who is he/she?

Whom do you admire? And why?

It is important to have people we look up to, whom we like to emulate.

Role models give us aspiration and goals to work towards, and they prove to us that people with high standards do exist in reality. Success models are people who you want to be like; they can be people you know in real life, or people you admire from a distance (for instance, successful business people and innovators whom you don’t know personally, but have read biographies of). If you know your success model in person, ask them questions and get their advice on matters. If you are admiring them from a distance, read more about them and understand how they deal with difficult situations and how they got to where they are now. Success models can provide inspiration for our own lives, in addition to valuable lessons and advice.   I hope you have a success model who inspires you to work hard each single day.

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