ADVICE FOR GRADUATES – Assessment Methods

ADVICE FOR GRADUATES - Assessment Methods The way people are selected varies greatly from one employer to another. The selection...

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ADVICE FOR GRADUATES – Assessment Methods

The way people are selected varies greatly from one employer to another. The selection process may involve several stages. Every stage of the process should be designed to clearly assess your ability to do the job that you are applying for.

You may experience the following methods of assessment:

CV and Application Form

Employers will look for a match between your experience and qualifications and the requirements of the job. Remember that interviewers are likely to ask you questions based upon the information you have included in your CV, so it is essential to be relevant, honest, and succinct. Remember that potential employers may have many CVs to read through and will often check the accuracy of the information you provide.


Questions are likely to be based around your experience as well as the job competencies and requirements that should have been detailed in the advertisement. The key is to remember to be honest and to use relevant examples from your career, studies, or private life that provide evidence to the interviewers of any skills being discussed.

Ability Tests

Ability tests look at the extent to which you are able to carry out various aspects of a job; for example, your verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning abilities. Often employers are interested in your potential to do a task. In this case, they may use assessment methods that aim to simulate aspects of that task

Personality Questionnaires

Personality Questionnaires look at behavioural preferences, that is, how you like to work. They are not concerned with your abilities, but how you see yourself in terms of your personality; for example, the way you relate to others, and how you deal with feelings and emotions. There are no rights or wrongs in behavioural style, although some behaviours may be more or less appropriate to certain situations.

Situational Judgement Tests

Situational judgement tests are used to assess your ability to choose the most appropriate action in workplace situations. They involve reading a scenario or watching an animation and selecting the response that most effectively deal with the situation. These assessments are designed to assess how you would handle situations that you could encounter in a specific job.

Assessment Centre Exercises

These exercises are designed to simulate a particular task or scenario relevant to the target job, and it should be clear what kinds of skills are being assessed.  Examples include the following:

  • Group exercises
  • Presentations
  • Role plays

During an assessment, a group of candidates take part in a range of exercises, which are observed by assessors. The assessors rate the performance of the candidates against the competencies required for the job.

SOURCE: CEB/SHL CLICK HERE for link to original article

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