How to act decisively when overflowing with business ideas By David Neagle

How to act decisively when overflowing with business ideas By David Neagle QUESTION TO DAVID: I know most people struggle with...

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How to act decisively when overflowing with business ideas By David Neagle

QUESTION TO DAVID: I know most people struggle with seeing opportunity…my problem is the opposite. I have LOTS of opportunities and ideas for my business, and yet, I sit paralyzed because I can’t make a decision about what I should do first. I don’t want to choose the wrong idea, make a mistake and be taken down a path that leads nowhere.  HELP!!!

ANSWER:  First, there is no such thing as a mistake. Everything you do, regardless of the results you experience, is bringing you closer to truth. All of those experiences force you to grow, and in the growth, you begin to discover who you are and what you want for your life.

Many entrepreneurs hesitate to get started on an idea because they are afraid of making a mistake. Actually they aren’t afraid of the mistake itself, they are afraid of what other people will think about their decision and outcome.

So you must first DECIDE.  Choose ONE of your ideas. Ideally it would be the idea that would take you to your goals the quickest, but if you can’t see that, just choose one that inspires you the most.

Then take ACTION on that decision. Don’t worry about the results, don’t fret about what people will think, and don’t stop.

You see Spirit won’t give you your entire plan. You must take action on the first step before the 2nd step will be shown. If you never take action, you’ll never see the next opportunity.

If you should fall flat on your first idea, be grateful for what you’ve learned from it, and continue to look for the next opportunity. It WILL be there.  You will either win or you will learn, in which case, either outcome is a GIFT.   Click HERE for original article

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