The self-limiting word you need to nix from your 2016 vocabulary By David Neagle

The self-limiting word you need to nix from your 2016 vocabulary  By David Neagle QUESTION TO DAVID NEAGLE -What’s the biggest difference...

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The self-limiting word you need to nix from your 2016 vocabulary  By David Neagle

QUESTION TO DAVID NEAGLE -What’s the biggest difference you see between multimillionaires and those who are not financially free?

ANSWER –   There are so many differences between a wealth mindset and one of lack that it’s hard to pick just one.

If I were to choose one that I think has been the most impactful for my students I would say it’s this: A wealth based mindset thinks in terms of “AND” whereas a lack mindset thinks in terms of “OR”.

Let me explain…

When a wealthy person is faced with a decision or desire, they don’t limit themselves. For example if they would like to send their children to college and purchase a boat, the thought they would have is, “I would like to send the kids to college AND purchase a boat.”  And then they go to work planning how they can make that possible.

A lack-based mindset would approach it entirely different. They would say, “I could either send my children to college OR I could purchase a boat.” This is a limiting thought.  I would suggest you watch your thoughts closely and note how many times you feel you need to make an “or” decision, and change it to an “and”.

There is no limit to what you can be, do or have, so begin to think in terms of “AND” and see what changes! JUST BELIEVE!    Click HERE to original article

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