Should a woman Date potential vs already Successful
You are a young beautiful girl either fresh out of college or approaching your final year. As your clock is ticking, nature is suggesting your season is getting ripe; it’s time to look for a suitor who would wedlock you in a year or two, maybe even four.
The question is, should you date one who has already established himself i.e. has an empire, a house, a Range Rover vogue etc. or, should you find one who is well known at the matatu terminus for his uncanny ability to negotiate his fare down, has rented an apartment and probably sleeps on his mattress on the floor?
Do you want to be part of his success and have a claim to having helped built a fortune or, are you the kind who prefers to cut the chase and quickly dive into his yard? Do you throw caution to the wind and say who cares how he got his fortune?
A friend of mine who recently graduated was lamenting that it was difficult for him to get a girlfriend because all the potential mates he was pursuing shot him down in favour of the already established. How disheartening.
I believe every woman should do as she pleases however, I have a bias towards she that uses her innate potential to magnify and harness the potential out of him. After the wealth is acquired she can lay a claim to the estate and pride herself in having persevered with him through his struggles and is the one responsible for transforming his status from hustler to whatever she made him into; President if she likes.
It’s the difficult times that prove a friend’s worth and the hardships you endured and overcame together that will cement your union and give you a lot of archives to marvel over in the days of drink and be merry.
You can fast track that and make it come early. Having said that, as a woman, feel free to do as you like. Until we speak again, I am your host. Mitchell Odhiambo. For a female perspective on this, please click link to read my colleague Lillian’s views –