FEMALE PERSPECTIVE By Lillian Sudi On Why Women Love Bold and Decisive Men

On Why Women love Bold and Decisive Men

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On Why Women love Bold and Decisive Men

For decades we have heard women say that they want men to “be more sensitive” – this however is half-true. A half-truth is more dangerous than a lie, because it sounds true, and therefore people are more likely to adopt it, in contrast to outright lies, which are often easier to identify and avoid.

Truth is, women do appreciate a man who can express a wide range of emotions, especially men who are strong, fearless and self-reliant to begin with. Boldness is the ultimate sign of masculinity. It symbolizes security and a general sense of wellness. A man who is emotionally stable in every sense is very attractive to a woman because that is a trait that women associate with masculinity. Seeing a man who is 95% of the time strong and reliable to his friends and family, break down in emotion at the loss of a loved one or some national tragedy, is a compelling sight. A soldier shedding a tear would appear really attractive to most women but the key word here is strong and brave which we associate the soldier with. No one wants a weak man who can’t take the initiative to act.

It’s important to recognize this clear distinction: rare and occasional vulnerability on a usually rock-steady male is sexually attractive to females; persistent vulnerability is repulsive. Reality is really that harsh and that simple. Women want you to consider their opinion on joint decisions but it is ever so attractive when a man just takes charge of the situation once in a while and makes decisions as a man, if you know what I mean… and takes you under his protective wing. A man who is constantly leaning on his woman is pretty unattractive. Here is the paradox in a nutshell: if you’re a strong and independent man who doesn’t rely on a female for your own strength, then she will definitely need you. As soon as you become reliant on her, however, she will disdain you.

In fact, evolutionary psychology demands that she immediately reject you and start to seek out a “fitter” mate. Psychologically, in the deep recesses of her mind, the survival of herself and her children depends on avoiding men who are weak, and clinging to men who are strong, decisive and bold. Of course, this is a generalization, and usually a woman will not dump you after a single or even several moments of weakness. However, displaying any sort of weakness to a woman who is not your mother will usually result in immediate, negative consequences to your relationship, even if those consequences are only temporary. To get a males perspective on this, please click link to read my colleague Mitchell’s views – http://goo.gl/VWXpz3

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