Male Perspective on the Other Man By Mitchell Odhiambo

THE OTHER MAN I saw a clip on Facebook where...

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Mitchell OdhiamboI saw a clip on Facebook where a man took his damsel for a trip to the mountains to drop the shock of a marriage proposal on her. You could see the woman going through multiple emotions wanting to compose herself and shout out loud at the same time. Eventually her adrenaline got the better of her and she jumped up and down with a humongous yes until she said, “Honey, you don’t expect me to be a one man kind of girl. Do you?” The disbelief in the man’s face was enough to sink a whole ship. You could see him disheartened as he tried to explain to her that is the essence of marriage. “You and I and nobody else”

Is there anything like the other man? Society has no issue with a man if he has multiple partners, but condemns a woman for being highly immoral if she dares have more than one man. Legislators will discuss regulations to allow for polyandry but polygyny is unheard of indeed, even abominable to discuss. The other woman has become acceptable as the norm; the other man on the other hand, is unheard of, and if tabled, everyone will raise their eyebrows. Is there such a thing? Tell me if you know.

There is a generation that prides itself in quoting “What a man can do a woman can do better.” They have mastered the art and are players of the game. We are seeing women as well who call themselves players with different men to serve every need in their life. In my own opinion, they are ill advised.

As a matter of fact, in areas where men are perceived to be more successful than women, I think it is only so because women do not have wives to advise them. That my friend is the strength of a woman. Love her and cherish her.

Pause for a second and imagine with me, what would you do if you came back home one day and your woman said she wants to introduce you to the other man? Yes, that look on your face is what I was seeking.  Until we speak again, I am your host, Mitchell Odhiambo    To get a female perspective, please click link to read my colleague Lillian’s views 

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