Male Perspective on Being Single By Mitchell Odhiambo

Male Perspective on Being Single If you are single you are either talking...

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Male Perspective on Being Single

Mitchell OdhiamboIf you are single you are either talking to someone, stuck on an ex, chasing someone whose taken or ignoring someone who wants you. A friend of mine said the problem is we have raised our daughters to be wives and our sons to be boyfriends. How true is that?

With the men to women ratio stuck up against women and the husband materials being way far less, subsequently we’ve had almost a scramble and partition for the marriageable men and in extreme cases, an attempt by searching single women at married men. Why then would a man be single? Is it admirable to be one? Is it not a miserable life sentenced to a life of solitude?

If you are single you are either talking to someone, stuck on an ex, chasing someone who is taken or ignoring someone who wants you. A friend of mine said the problem is, we have raised our daughters to be wives and our sons to be boyfriends. How true is this?

With the male/female ratio stacked up against women, and with husband material being way far less, we now have almost a scramble and partition for the marriageable men and in extreme cases, an attempt by searching single women even at married men. Why then would a man be single? Is it admirable to be one? Is it not a miserable life, sentenced to a life of solitude?

Young men can be single and there is nothing wrong with that but be sure you will face a lot of public disapproval because you have chosen to sway against the popular tide. I am a firm believer in an unknown quote I saw, A man must find himself before he finds his woman. Otherwise, he will continuously damage every woman he comes in contact with along the way.”

Be a geek, a football player, a martial arts practitioner you will have plenty of women coming your way, some to joyride yet others with a hopeful ambition to steal your surname, heart, and mind and to come add colour to your life. You decide whether to be an active predator pouncing on every opportunity or to compose yourself and make a tactical decision.

If you find a genuinely single man, it is not because he has no options, it simply means he values the weight of his purpose, he is unwilling to settle it with anyone that comes. And when that person comes, they both blossom into a beautiful union the swans would gather about to marvel

I’m not sure how many single men are out there though I must point out a rather unusual statistic I laughed hard when I heard  it. On social media sites, Facebook for instance, almost all women aged 20 – 24 are engaged yet the men within that bracket maintain a single status. Who are these women engaged to? Please post if you know.

Until we meet again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective, please click link to read my colleague Lillian’s views 

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