Male Perspective By Mitchell Odhiambo ‘On Cheating’

'On Cheating' If you have ever been cheated on by a partner or spouse, you have embarked on a hell tour and had a first hand encounter of the torment...

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‘On Cheating’

If you have ever been cheated on by a partner or spouse, you have embarked on a hell tour and had a first hand encounter of the torment of a soul condemned.

Cheating particularly in the African set up was formally unheard of, near abominable. Women in particular were excommunicated from the community. This was a taboo. I don’t understand though why men were allowed to get away with it? Nonetheless, our moral fabric has now permitted it to become a norm so much so, that we have agencies and media houses that thrive in undercover investigations to establish a partner’s fidelity.

In our present day, it is heart breaking and extremely sad to hear some of the things that go on. It is as though there is no respect for the institution of marriage anymore. What was sacred in my opinion, ought to remain sacred; the marriage bed ought to remain pure and undefiled. In essence if you find a King, keep him, if you find a Queen, love and protect her, No human should entertain shuffling of marital cards because by doing so, you may land on a joker.

Men are reputed to be notorious in this industry, however there is a new generation of women as well who proclaim to be equal to the task to the extent that some profess to have more stripes in this area, than their male counterparts. They have made love turn into a game of ludos. Roll the dice and we rock as the game shows us.

I believe when two people are in love, it enforces a connection of the souls, an unfortunate event like infidelity ruptures the bond thereof and tears the soul apart causing a lot of torment as though someone were pouring liquid sulphuric acid on a fresh wound. It takes time for the wound to heal and for forgiveness to reign. My sincere sympathies to all who have fallen victim. Choose to forgive and try to charter the way forward. As for me, I advocate for utmost faithfulness.

Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo  Welcome to a man’s world.

To get a female perspective on this, please click link to read my colleague Lillian’s views – 

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