Why do men hate Make up? Case in point. Men appreciate natural beauty. It is adorable. My heart sinks every time a...

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 Why do men hate Make up?

Case in point. Men appreciate natural beauty. It is adorable. My heart sinks every time a beauty passes by and all heads turn in her direction then an outlier calls out “ Is that her hair or has she hired it and if she has, has she finished paying for it? “

It is almost paradoxical that on the one hand, women demand “real” men, yet when we look at some females,  we no longer have a clue as to what is natural and what is not;  from their eyelashes to finger nails. Arrgh!!

It pains me to even talk about it. Don’t be confused, I love make up. I enjoy every minute a woman passes by and I feel like she has done it correctly. It blesses my heart every time

I think Men just want to be sure the woman they see is the woman within i.e that the deviation is not that significant that they would barely recognize you void of your make up. We want our women to adorn themselves in beauty, and for some that means a little cosmetic enhancement here and there , while for others that means your pure natural self.

What I can promise you is this: what we (men) do not appreciate is the amount of time spent in that closet. Take your time, adorn yourself all you want, invoice us the budget , we will buy anything you want but please don’t be late and cite reasons like ‘I don’t know how it happened, I was just standing by the mirror and before I noticed half an hour was gone.’ We don’t get that. We will compromise of course because we love you but we will never get it.

So yes, do Make up – some men like it but please do not overdo it. By all means, enhance natural beauty if you like, but still be recognisable. Until we speak again. Am your host. Mitchell Odhiambo   To get a female perspective on this, please click link to read my colleague  Lucy’s views:  

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