Can Social Media Ruin Your Relationship? Male Perspective By Mitchell Odhiambo

Social Media has been known to cause a significant percentage of relationship/marital problems and in extreme cases, break-up or even divorce. Imagine if you...

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Social Media has been known to cause a significant percentage of relationship/marital problems and in extreme cases, break-up or even divorce.

Imagine if you spent a whole day with your girlfriend only to read her tweet at 6pm in the evening with the headline: ‘Today was boring’.  That would be disastrous. 

This week, I wish to address  the question: “Can Social Media Ruin Your Relationship?”  Well, I believe this is relative in that social media can work in both extremes like a pendulum.

I know of a gentleman who found himself in trouble because of an update he posted Facebook on Madaraka Day. His lady was up in arms asking “Freedom from whom?”

I have overheard arguments in a similar the manner. “When she posts photos with other men, I do not complain, so why is she always making ugly comments and calling me names when I post a photo with another woman?”  says a man in exasperation. This outlines an example of how social media can ruin a relationship or lead to misunderstanding.

That said, social media can also be used for good use for example: a man and a woman who have officially announced their engagement can update their relationship status to ‘Engaged to so and so’ or ‘Married’, thus updating all their friends and network at a click of a button. The couple can also open a joint Facebook account and share the password. The list is endless.

It is important if you are engaged to a partner to lead a faithful life and to be conscious when managing your social accounts bearing in mind that you are being watched especially if you are a visionary.

You can use social media to promote your relationship and to share your beautiful moments with your circle of friends, to archive your many stories, to even inspire the world. Wrongful use of social media on the other hand, could be used to wreck an otherwise beautiful union e.g changing your relationship status from ‘Engaged’ to ‘Single’ or ‘It’s Complicated’ to communicate a break up. Social media can also get you in to trouble if for example you are tagged on party photos when you had in fact told your partner that you were out on a business trip. So, enjoy social media by all means but tread carefully and act responsibly. Until we meet again. Welcome to a man’s world. If you wish to read a female perspective on this topic, please click link to read my colleague Daisy’s views –  

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