Why You Should Jump At An Opportunity

Why should you jump at an opportunity? I recently came across this article in my social media interactions and I found it very intuitive and I decided to...

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Why should you jump at an opportunity?
I recently came across this article in my social media interactions and I found it very intuitive and I decided to share parts of it with you today that I found reflective. Share your comments and let us interact.
Many people do not make decisions when opportunities arise because they have deceived themselves into believing that the opportunities will always be there. This is one of the greatest catalyst of procrastination; the deception that things will remain the same tomorrow. The opportunity of a life time must always be seized in the life time of opportunity. Every dream has a shelf life and in fact every life has a shelf life.
What is the shelf life of your current life? What is the sell by date of your current dream or opportunity before you? If you do not proactively take charge and get into the driver’s seat of your life you will be taken to a place you never planned to go. If you do not act on the chance before you today you will wake up tomorrow thinking that it is still there only to realize it was there only for a moment. It then gets painful when you see someone else take the opportunity you procrastinated about and make something wonderful out of it. Instead of sitting down and spending too much time analyzing opportunities it is better to act on them fast and then make the changes slowly. Progress is a function of acting on decisions, not a function of speculation and too much analysis.
A decision you make but do not act upon is a decision never made. The quality of life is determined by the quality decisions you act upon. So do not let that fear inside you paralyze your capability to make decisions. Act and act now.

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