Creating your own path.

Lately I have been meeting a number of people who want to quit their jobs or pursue a different line of career. I came across this advice...

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Lately I have been meeting a number of people who want to quit their jobs or pursue a different line of career. I came across this advice shared by Erica Duncan, an attorney turned life and business advisor helping individuals transition from employment to entrepreneurship, which would be helpful for anyone taking this path:

“My decision to quit law was more about running away from a job and lifestyle I didn’t like and less about running towards a business and lifestyle that would serve me.
In making the transition, I said all of the right things.
“I want more time.”
“I want more freedom.”
“I want more flexibility.”
But in all honesty, I was really trying to get myself out of an uncomfortable situation. One where what I was doing wasn’t fitting with who I wanted to be.
I knew what I didn’t want to do.
I wasn’t really clear on who I wanted to be, though.
The result of this: My decision to quit didn’t come from an empowered place.
It wasn’t until after I quit that the effects of this became very real to me.
If I could go back and advise my former self on what I know now, I would encourage her to change the following statements:

From: I’m quitting because I want more free time.
To: I’m quitting to create a life where my time is filled with the things I genuinely want to pursue.

From: I’m quitting because these parameters for success don’t fit me anymore.
To: I’m quitting because I want to dedicate time cultivating high quality relationships with the people I love and also use my divine gifts to serve this world.

From: I’m quitting because I can’t stand corporate politics and people clawing over others to get ahead.
To: I’m quitting so that I can create a tribe of individuals who are supportive and believe in the saying ‘A high tide rises all ships.’

From: I’m quitting because I don’t believe in what we do.
To: I’m quitting so that I can do what genuinely fills me up.

From: I’m quitting because I can’t stand rules and red tape.
To: I’m quitting so I can live in a world that gets created as I go along.

From: I’m quitting because I don’t get the acknowledgment I deserve.
To: I’m quitting because I don’t need acknowledgment from anyone. I rather show up as me and serve the world or I don’t.

From: I’m quitting because I don’t want to look back in 20+ years and think I wasted my life away.
To: Standing here in the present moment, I have the power and choice to make a shift that can change the trajectory of my life in a powerful way.”

By, Emma Kimani

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