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Crocodiles can never outgrow their enclosure! I do not know about you but this is a very fascinating phenomenon to me. Given the fact that crocodiles are...

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Crocodiles can never outgrow their enclosure! I do not know about you but this is a very fascinating phenomenon to me. Given the fact that crocodiles are very tactical, aggressive hunters and that they can grow really big, long and can live for many years too. They are said to be ever (continuously) growing animals, if abundant food resource and water is available. How can their size be limited just by their enclosure?
Picture this; it does not matter the amount of food given to the crocodile or whether they stay in a perpetual water reserve, if the size of their enclosure is small, then they cannot grow beyond the size of that pond.

Many a time we only perform as much as our environment allow us to. This is good because there is only so much we can control in this world as far as situations are concerned. And as leaders, we would wish to have our teams in an ecosystem that has plenty of food and continuous flow of water so that we keep growing big enough for any challenge that may arise. Every leader would love to have crocodiles in their team/ department. These are people that are really gifted, aggressive and strategic in all they do. With abundance of food and water their potential is boundless.

However, some leaders would love the crocodiles not only because of their skills and capabilities, but because they know they will never outgrow their enclosure and outdo them as leaders or managers. While some are the crocodiles with these gifts and traits but have not realized their potential or they don’t know their scope. They live in abundance of food and continuous water streams of their comfort zones.

Did you know that you can outgrow your enclosure by getting out of your comfort zone and daring a more challenging environment? Did you know you are enclosed in the Nile, the Pacific and the Atlantic? Did you know you live in abundance of food and perennial water reserve?

The fact that you are reading this post confirms that you are gifted. The fact that you have Internet proves that you are enclosed in the vastness of the Pacific. The very fact that you are a family of AfricaTalentbank.com Limited (ATB) shows that you live in abundance of food and unending torrent of water.

By Steve Gamba

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