“Dnx 4 Pluxing”, “Tx 4 d+” apparently mean “Thanks for the add.” This is just an example of the social media language that’s overtaking mainstream language. “ In...

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“Dnx 4 Pluxing”, “Tx 4 d+” apparently mean “Thanks for the add.” This is just an example of the social media language that’s overtaking mainstream language.

“ In as much as we say that you have your own space on social media where you have freedom of speech, a lot of the Gen Y’s today have let that slang creep into their professional spaces. For example, I have had requests from young graduates looking for job placements who start off by saying “Niaje Jymo…” How am I supposed to refer someone like that to work closely with Bob Collymore for example? (Mr. Collymore isn’t even Kenyan and would not understand much of the ‘Sheng’ and slang that we the Gen Y’s use).

Several employers we have spoken to have complained about the poor communication skills that are trending nowadays with the incoming interns and graduates. Graduates possess the knowledge but have no idea how to convey that knowledge in a coherent manner. Some Human Resource managers tell us of the torture they undergo trying to decipher what a candidate is saying because he or she has mixed Swahili, English and Slang.

No matter the wealth of knowledge you possess, you need good communication skills to interpret that knowledge to others. The basis of human interaction, and business by extension, is communication. Now when that link is broken or faulty, how then can one get or maintain a job or a relationship for that matter?

It is important to demarcate your professional life from your personal life on the level of communication. It is also vital that clear and coherent language is used when you are communicating on a professional level. In addition, informal language SHOULD NOT be used when job hunting. There are too many “Hi’s” and “Hey’s” when graduates are addressing potential employers. That is simply shooting oneself in the foot.

My simple advice would be:

Read professional articles to enhance your communication skills;

For your entertainment and enhanced vocabulary, read plenty of books, novels, newspapers, magazines of good repute etc.

Make a habit of writing clear and concise sentences even to your friends as this will become second nature to you.”

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