David Kamau – Learning & Development Consultant

  David Kamau is passionate about people & organizational development; an area he has worked in for over 10 years. This passion...

2017 0
2017 0


david-kamau-199x300David Kamau is passionate about people & organizational development; an area he has worked in for over 10 years. This passion is driven by the belief that people given the opportunity can achieve great success on their own as well as within organizations.

David has a background in Psychology; studies he undertook to get a better understanding of human behaviour and determinants of the same. A passion for leadership development led him to pursue & attain a Masters Degree in leadership, with a focus on Business and Entrepreneurship. These studies looked more into the role a leader plays in developing a culture around employees that facilitates the maximizing of their potential.

Over the years, David’s skills in learning & development have grown having engaged with audiences totalling thousands ranging from children, youth to members of corporate organizations. These speaking & facilitation engagements have been on a variety of topics and thematic areas including (but not limited to): leadership, change management, life skills, goal setting, vision, team work, entrepreneurship, accountability, behaviour change, facilitation skills & Training of Trainers, Customer Service, Time Management, Personal Development, Marriage, Planning, Strategy, Masculinity, Culture and a host of others.

For about 7 years, David was one of the founding partners & Directors of WYLDE International, an Organizational Development firm which seeks to achieve its bold vision “To see Africa reach a level of Global influence”. WYLDE works with Large, Medium and small scale firms using innovative models to inspire the business owners or employees to greatness.

WYLDE has worked with large multinationals as well as small scale entrepreneurs and this different model of engagement gives it a unique overview of the market and factors affecting development in the continent. WYLDE works to transform the company cultures, strategies and systems while aligning people in the new or desired direction

During the course of a career that spans about 12 years, David has had the privilege to carry out projects at various levels, within the following organizations: Libya Oil (K) Ltd, UNFPA, FHI, Population Services International, Postbank Kenya, Worldvision Kenya, Cellulant, Linksoft Communication Systems, Hillcrest International Schools, Exclusive Eco Travels, Barclaycard, Enchanting Africa, Ace Capital & Credit Ltd, Intrepid Kenya, USIU, Techno Serve, CITAM – Valley Road, KRA, PSC, Kenya Airways, Thornsoft International Limited, Transform Kenya, SBO Research, Compassion International, Catapult Brand Consulting, Nairobi School, Mangu High School, AIESEC, Mountain View Academy, Marion School, Kenyatta University, and about 90 small and medium sized enterprises within the innovative enterprise development program – The Greatness Business Club.


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