Mr. Kamal Budhabhatti

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Craft Silicon Kamal Budhabhatti is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Craft Silicon,...

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Kamal-Budhabatti1-300x198Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Craft Silicon

Kamal Budhabhatti is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Craft Silicon, a Kenya-based global software development and services company.

Today, under his leadership and vision, Craft Silicon has been recognized as one of the Africa’s biggest software house across the emerging markets with its other offices in India, Nigeria and the USA. Craft Silicon has talent strength comprising 300+ technology architects, and domain experts, providing solutions to the banking, financial services and insurance industries, and Mobile Commerce.

With more than 200 customers spread across 40 countries in Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia, Kamal strongly believes in the power of ‘Innovative Thinking’ and delivers ground-breaking solutions to Craft Silicon Customers even now thereby standing in line with the organization’s motto ‘Thinking. Crafting. Transforming.’

He is a voracious programmer with expertise in C#, Java and Mobile computing. Kamal’s hobby outside the work includes art, adventure sports and air piloting. He is a ravenous reader and enjoys reading autobiographies, philosophy, technical, and management and success stories. He has a strong believer in people power, he often says, “Associates are the Assets of Craft Silicon, with their commitment, even impossible is possible’’.
Kamal is actively involved in researching & crafting necessities of the organization to position Craft Silicon among the best financial technology companies in the world.

Kamal founded the Craft Silicon Foundation with the social intention to providing free computer education to the aspiring less privileged Kenyans. Till date have educated more than 5,000 Kenyans.

He has been listed on Forbes Africa among the top 10 young African billionaires to watch, BBC have quoted him as the Bill Gates of Kenya. He has won several awards including Africa Award for the entrepreneurship, Ernest & Young award on entrepreneurship.

He believes that Kenyans have what it takes to make the country the next technology leader of Africa.

You may click here for more information on the company and here for the Forbes Magazine article on Kamal.



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