“He will win, he who knows when to fight and when not to fight” Sun Tzu. “Pick your battles, you don’t have to show up...

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He will win, he who knows when to fight and when not to fight” Sun Tzu. “Pick your battles, you don’t have to show up to every argument you are invited to” Mandy Hale

Spare yourself some energy. What you must treasure is your peace of mind and what you must not entertain as well, are time wasters and unnecessary baggage. To be completely free, you must master the art of war; appear strong when you are weak and weak when you are strong. Confound your enemies and build yourself some gravitas, command a lot of respect.

Build yourself some character that is distinct and beyond blemish, so that when someone slings mud your way, your reputation is sound like a Mugumo tree. When they try shaking the tree, they end up shaking their own buttocks. Be resolute in your approach. Stay away from persons of unquestionable character and occasionally turn a blind eye to those who are not worth your time and effort.

When you choose to engage however, pick your time and place. What you can’t do is let your enemies get away from you once you have them in sight and you have decided to square it out with them. You must completely obliterate them, crush them totally. That is, make it so that they are no longer a threat to you. Not now, not in 20 years from now. You must inflict enough damage to placate them forever.

In that regard, make it your lead life ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to be at peace with everyone as far as it depends on you. When a situation gets out of hand, put it in place.  Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, read Mercy’s post HERE

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