A story is told about a Native American grandfather who was talking to his grandson about how he felt. He said, "I feel...

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A story is told about a Native American grandfather who was talking to his grandson about how he felt. He said, “I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is the vengeful, angry, violent one. The other wolf is the loving, compassionate one.” The grandson asked him, “Which wolf will win the fight in your heart?” The grandfather answered: “The one I feed”.

Tough experiences most often make us bitter, angry and vengeful.Unknowingly, this may portray itself in how we respond and treat people around us. Sadly, this may make people categorize us as a particular personality yet it is not who we are on the inside. It is the ‘wolf’ we have fed over the years.

However, if we have fed the patient, loving and compassionate side of us, that is what will portray on the outside. We shall treat people with more love and kindness and this will be reciprocated. It is therefore very important to know which side of us we are investing in: Which ‘wolf’ inside of us we are feeding. That will be the wolf that will win in our hearts and that wolf will dominate our words and actions.

It is time to check deep inside and identify which ‘wolf’ dominates and with that, make a choice on whether to keep feeding it or starve it. To read more posts by Mercy, click HERE 

Photo credit: https://wallpapersafari.com/black-and-white-wolf-wallpaper/

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