Ask a married woman and she will tell you how much of a superhero her husband immediately becomes whenever he does the slightest...

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Ask a married woman and she will tell you how much of a superhero her husband immediately becomes whenever he does the slightest thing in the house without being reminded twice.

It could be as simple as taking the garbage out but the way he struts around that house when you come back home, you would think he’d just won an Olympic gold medal! “Honey, have you noticed? I took the garbage out? he proclaims proudly. He then goes on to add “I would say you have a special husband dear. You should let all your friends know” With this, he sits in one place and does nothing for the rest of the day or probably even a week!  What’s up with us men? Lol.

Have you not heard of conversations between married couples? If the man is giving an account; he will say something along the lines of: “Why do women have to repeat things over and over? We heard them first time. Imagine, my wife is upset I have not fixed the kitchen sink/bedside lamp. It’s only been 6 months since she first asked me. Now I have to hear it every night. I would love to let her know, I heard her clear the first time. Women” lol.

Men. What’s wrong with you?

Let me help our lady friends here especially if you are married “Giving a man any instruction once, is as good as not having said anything at all to him”. The irony is, we hear you & we do not desire to be reminded about it, yet we have taken no action to suggest we heard you the first time. The instruction goes in through one ear and graciously settles in our hearts. However, I think there is no mechanism to send back that instruction as a cause for  action.

While I have no doubt that experiences vary depending on the men, there must be many similarities in at least something I said. Let me also know your experiences below. Check out my colleague’s perspective on this to catch a woman’s eyeview Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to  man’s world. To get a female perspective in this, please see Mercy’s post HERE

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