Imagine for once, your mind were a gun and your thoughts bullets.
Now imagine that every time a thought crosses your mind, a bullet is directed at whatever or whoever triggered that thought. I believe if this were to become reality, we would have mass slaughter on our streets. What with the crazy matatu drivers cutting recklessly in front of other road users with the least of courtesy. Or those people who bump into you on the streets and follow this with some insults. I believe we all have this figured out and we have seen the magnitude of the issue.
Our thoughts make up our words, and our words make up our actions (excerpt from Ralph Waldo Emerson). I believe all of us agree with this one thing; that if we could get just half a chance, we could dispatch some people to the grave without a second thought. It is therefore important to note that the line between our thoughts and our actions is very thin. The probability of us actualizing our thoughts is very high, more so if we are under the control of emotions. How many times have we heard about people killing their loved ones in a fit of anger or rage?
Our lives are made up of our thoughts and if we have wrong thoughts, then our lives will go wrong. The best and easiest way of having good lives and achieving success in all that we do, is to take control of our thoughts.
I would like to conclude with these words from Confucius “The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large” Let’s have right thoughts and our lives will be right. Click HERE if you wish to read more posts by Mwangi