A friend once asked me a question a while ago and this was: “Between Honesty, trust and loyalty, which one would you prioritise when looking for friendship?” My answer was TRUST, but to this day, this is something that I have been deeply thinking about.
I had also attended a leadership camp where all the participants were asked to stand. We were then given a scenario which ran as follows: “Your mother was driving the car and you were in the passenger seat, she was over speeding and sadly hit a pedestrian who died on the spot. She has now arrived in court and you are the witness. Would you testify against her and have her imprisoned? If you would rather lie and have her set free, stand on the left but if you would tell the truth and have her imprisoned, stand to the right.” Had you been in that training session,where would you stand and why?
I have sat exams, but I must say, this was the toughest test I have ever had in my life. The reasons are, my mum is a great pillar in my life and I love her so much, while at the same time, I am an advocate on honesty and integrity and this is something everyone around me knows. For a spouse, a sibling, your child or a very intimate friend, it is still a hard decision to make. I am also sure you will agree with me that honesty is easier said than done.
There are so many instances where we are caught in a dilemma: should I be honest or not? Honesty has it’s consequences and more often than not, can also be a very hard price to pay. I don’t know what you stand for or, whether you believe the truth sets us free but we can agree on one thing: honesty builds trust. If your spouse or friends know how truthful you are, then you are deemed trustworthy in the long run.
What are your thoughts ,would you rather be honest or not? To get a male perspective on this, please read Mitchell’s post HERE
Photo credit: http://diaryofabrokeasswoman.blogspot.com/