Sports is a big deal. Many of us and the world over, have a particular sport which we religiously follow. It is common knowledge that sports has become big business and many companies are minting billions of shillings through sports, be it selling the teams merchandise or through even the ever increasing betting. Sports people are the most decorated in the entertainment circles and they are paid billions of shillings by the sponsoring companies for the kits they don while in the field of play.
No sport is complete without spectators although the number of spectators may vary from one sport to the other. In soccer they are considered the twelfth man. The shouts and chants from the spectators act as an impetus to push the team to perform well. It is right to say that fans have a very huge impact on the outcome of a game.
Our day to day life and the activities we are involved in, are like a game of football and so many people are watching our every move. There are those who support us and those who are against our performance. As it is in any game, lack of supporters can have a very negative impact on our performance. Sometimes, we get to a point where we have no fans because the ones we would expect to support us, are unhappy about our progress or they don’t seem to understand us. When it gets to this point, we have to look for support from other areas and the best place to look for it is not outside but inside, within our hearts and our minds.
Other people may not understand or believe in us but that is outside of our control. It would be a disaster if we didn’t believe in ourselves. Sometimes the only person who can understand you, is you. We need to learn to believe in ourselves and the beauty of our dreams and to not allow anybody else to speak us out of our vision. If you are sure about what you are doing, then do not allow anyone to dissuade you or distract you from forging ahead with your studies, business or even marriage. When nobody believes in you, the best you can do for yourself is believing in the beauty of your dreams. Be your own fan. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE
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