Kenya being an agricultural country, many of us must have at one time or other, come across some farming practice however simple these...

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Kenya being an agricultural country, many of us must have at one time or other, come across some farming practice however simple these may be.

We must have witnessed farmers going about their business of planting seeds in the soil. Once the seeds germinate, something akin to a miracle happens. The shoots which sprout out do not resemble the original colour of the seed. The question which we should ask is: where does the colour of the shoots come from? The answer to this question is simple and it also carries our lesson for today. The shoot plus its colour are all contained within the seed but can only be manifested when the seed is provided with the perfect conditions.

That seed if left to remain in the store, can never produce the plants we see until it is placed or planted where all the necessary conditions for germination and growth are available.

This principle is also applicable to us human beings and I like focusing mostly on the young people. It is a proven fact that all of us are born with huge potential and have talents resident in us. Yet however much we get the affirmation, however much we sit and listen to motivational speakers, however much we read motivational books and listen to motivational DVDs, this potential will never be realised using these tools. It is inside us and we are the only ones who can activate it and put it to its right use. We have eulogies being read after a young person died and one of the common phrase is that “he died with so much potential.” Potential is just like our seed above which is still in the store. Until we give it the right conditions, the possibility of it dying within us is almost a hundred percent. We cannot expect to be notable leaders in society and yet our lives now are a total contrast with that of a leader. We can’t be expected to be innovators of tomorrow and yet even our seriousness in education is seriously wanting. Potential has never won a race, made an invention or secured a job. These and many more are the result of hard work and dedication. Remember that all you require to be successful is within you but until you give it the necessary conditions, it will be useless. Activate your potential. That success you so much search for is within you. Activate it.  To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

Photo Credit: Wonderopolis.org

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