‘One good act a day, makes the world a better place’ By Mercy Karumba & Mitchell Odhiambo

One good act a day, makes the world a better place By Mercy Karumba Many a time, we are caught up in the busy...

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One good act a day, makes the world a better place By Mercy Karumba

Many a time, we are caught up in the busy cycle of life, that we never take the time to evaluate our actions. How many times do we think others are responsible for making society a better place and  fail to include ourselves in this list?

By choosing to do the right thing each day, by choosing to make someone smile, by choosing to make someone’s life easier and better, then we make this world a better place thgough our small actions.  As the song, Heal the World, By Michael Jackson states;

“There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place”

If only we care, if only we make that little space in our hearts, then we can make a better place!  How about we make a promise to take every opportunity we get, to make someone’s life better than it is? How fulfilling can that be? And most importantly, how much better will the world be?  As we go through the bustles of life, let us remember, ”One good act a day, makes the world a better place!”  To get a male perspective on this, be sure to check out my colleague Mitchell’s post below.

One Good Act a day, makes the world a better place By Mitchell Odhiambo

Do not withhold good from your neighbor when it is in your power to act, do not say to them come back tomorrow when you now have it with you. Pick up that phone and tell your father, you forgive them, call your mother and tell her you love her, write that cheque and clear that debt, this is the moment to do good. Do it now.

Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, yes to eight and when the clouds are full of rain, it shall pour in good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over.

Let your good deeds spark the source of light in someone’s darkness. Every day, do the slightest thing to make someone’s life easier. Cook for your spouse, help them out on a task, teach a workmate a skill, advise someone well and be the positive force that blows and blows.

Do that continuously and your seed shall be like a tree, planted by the rivers of living waters, whose fruits yield in season and whose leaves are evergreen. It will be as a tree under whose branches your children and grandchildren will sit and bless your soul as they remember your works.  Go on and be. Go on and do. Go on and make the world a better place. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s new world.

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