MEN VS WOMEN: Spending Habits By Mercy Karumba

I have heard this joke over and over again, that the only time you will see a husband holding the wife's hand is...

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I have heard this joke over and over again, that the only time you will see a husband holding the wife’s hand is in a shopping mall and you know why? Not to be romantic but to stop her from picking things unnecessarily. (lol)

I must admit, as women, we are impulse buyers when it comes to shopping and even those who are a bit disciplined enough to write a shopping list, will rarely follow it. On the other hand, men are said to be more abstract when it comes to shopping, that is as long as basic things are bought then he is sorted. Good examples are: As long as a man has bought basic cooking ingredients, he is good, whereas a woman will be very particular about which brand of flour, rice etc and she’s keen on spices and the likes.Things that most bachelor’s don’t see the need for.

A woman will have shoes to match a particular outfit and end up buying far too many shoes than she needs while men buy shoes that can go with almost all official or casual wear. For a man, as long as his house has basic furniture and electronics, it’s all set. For a woman, the interior decor is crucial and everything must match, which definitely comes at a cost.

You know as much as women are accused of being spend-thrifts, while part of the accusations may be true, I think we blame this on how we were created to be keen on details. At times though, we end up buying what we may not need, which is more of a weakness. For the men, when you insist to hold her hand in the shopping mall, remind her that this is out of love and no other motive. To get a male perspective, please read Mitchell’s post HERE

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