‘KNOW WHEN TO LET GO’ By Mwangi Ndegwa

I have always fascinated by inventions and matters outer space. One of the greatest innovations that I can never have enough of, is the space rocket like...

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I have always fascinated by inventions and matters outer space. One of the greatest innovations that I can never have enough of, is the space rocket like the Apollo 11 back in 1969. The intriguing part is the way the rocket is designed and it’s trajectory from the earth to the moon or other planets. A rocket has three basic parts and each has its own part to play for the mission to be successful. This too applies in real life

The two lower sections are the fuel carriers with each holding eleven plus tons of fuel. It’s designed in such a way that once the fuel in one section is exhausted, its jetisoned. That jetison gives the rocket extra thrust as it makes it flight towards its destination. After several miles, the other part is also jetisoned. This second jetison gives the rocket enough momentum to get it  past the pull of the earth’s gravitational pull. The remaining part is the one that lands on the moon or the  planet and is the same that will fly the astronauts back to earth.

There are some very crucial lessons we can learn from this. Life is a continuous journey which only ends when a person passes on. Just like the rocket, there are some people we began with but were never destined to be with us to the end so it’s important to know when to let them go because holding on to them for longer than necessary, will be detrimental to our journey towards our destiny. We should hold them for only the season that they are supposed to be with us. It’s not hate or rudeness but rather, the reality of life.

A rocket carries with it enough  fuel to last it through the whole flight and back.

Our voyage here on earth is long, winding and sometimes tough, so we need to be fully equipped to handle the twists & turns along the way. This involves the physical, mental and emotional. If either of this faculty is not well prepped, the probability of not making it through life is quite high.

Let us keep this in mind that the journey to one’s destiny is very personal and nobody can walk it for you. People may walk and/or accompany you for a short while but you have to be present 100%.  Avoid any unnecessary baggage; be it mental, emotional, or physical. Keep away from negative people – more so those who are full of discouragement. You need every word of encouragement and the last thing you need is are (dream) saboteurs. Cut them off at the very first opportunity – like the space ship, know when their work is done, and let them go. Wishing you every bit of luck as you soldier on towards your destiny. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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