A few years back, I remember speaking to a young person and as we got chatting, I noticed him sigh a lot and...

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A few years back, I remember speaking to a young person and as we got chatting, I noticed him sigh a lot and speak with a voice full of regret. On pressing him further at the time, it turned out that he was soon graduating (possibly with a second class; upper division) but was still full of regret that he had performed poorly in his KCSEs, many years ago. He then asked me whether his KCSE grade would affect his chances of employment.

My response was this: “Your KCSE grade will only be a problem if you continue to allow it to dominate your life and if you continue to highlight it as a problem. Your KCSEs were five years ago, there is nothing you can do about it, you are on course to get a good degree and have grown into a bright, independent young man who can go places. However, you need to move on and focus on the future; not the past.”

Many people face life full of regrets. Yes, we all have and will continue to make mistakes but in the grand scheme of things, how big is this problem? We have to learn to move on. That said, if the matter is serious and has serious consequences, then we need to seek forgiveness or, depending on the nature of the problem, seek professional help. This will also help us move our life forward.

A life full of regrets is a life going nowhere; so don’t look back, that is not where you’re heading. Click HERE to read more posts by Miriam

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