Over the years, women have been known to be chatterboxes with the assumption that women speak about 20,000 words per day and men...

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Over the years, women have been known to be chatterboxes with the assumption that women speak about 20,000 words per day and men 7,000 words per day. A study conducted by James Pennebaker, Chair of the University of Texas at Austin’s psychology department reveals that the gender are about equal, when it comes to the number of words (specifically 16,215 words for females and 15,699 words for males).

When it comes to conversations, I’m sure you you will agree, a man will keep talking about subjects like politics, cars, economy etc. Basically, subjects that don’t touch him personally. A woman on the other hand, will get more emotional in the conversations talking about her family, kids and other “personal matters” and so I guess that is where the previous ‘rumor’ of women talking more than men came from. It must have been measured by the bar set during a conversation. While a man will hold back, a woman will go all out. Some of the reasons I suspect a man will avoid getting to personal is to protect himself or perhaps, avoid early rejection.

From a female perspective however, as much as men think they are playing it safe during conversations, this may appear as rather too boring to some women who may be waiting for the gentleman to start that deep talk that will lead take the relationship to the next level. Superficial or polite “small talk” does not always cut it. So maybe it’s not safe after all holding back. It may be time to ask: Is the comfort zone (which at times is visited due to the fear of rejection), actually limiting you from moving forward? If so, I would say, get deeper and engage more.

Check out my colleague’s article from a Male Perspective as he tells us why Men actually play it safe.You should also let us know how him playing it safe affects you as a lady and as a man, why you play it safe.  So to get a male perspective on this topic, please read my colleague Mitchell’s post HERE 

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