A story is told, “There was a car accident that took place one night. A woman, who witnessed the accident came in and tried to help the...

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A story is told, “There was a car accident that took place one night. A woman, who witnessed the accident came in and tried to help the victims. Suddenly a nurse called out from behind, “Miss, excuse me, I am a nurse and I can do it better. Step back! I’ve had a course in First Aid and I am trained in giving CPR.”

The woman stepped aside. Watching the procedure, she said, “If you need a doctor, I am just behind you.”

The nurse turned and looked at the woman full of embarrassment. What a lesson in humility!

Many a time we have been embarrassed after judging people around us by what we see at first sight. We often blame the impression, but most of the time, it is the pride within us actually shouting. We always think how better we are than the other person, more attractive, more experienced/skilled etc. We forget that there is someone out there better than us.

Don’t be the one shutting people down in class room discussions and meetings simply because you think you should be the one being listened to because of your  “expertise”. Don’t be the one lowering the esteem of others because of your skill-set or experience. Don’t be the one disrespecting others because you think you are ‘much better ‘than them. You never know who you are dealing with.

Just like the nurse who thought everyone else should step aside because she had all it takes, let us be careful to be humble and not make others feel the same way. The doctor is more skilled but she stepped back anyway. People may actually step back and not reveal what they have got to avoid embarrassing us, but actually Humility counts!

Let us strive to be more humble and respectful of those who we interact with, no matter how important we feel. It is not always all about you and how good you are. Best wishes, Mercy Karumba  To read more posts by Mercy, click HERE

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