‘Confront your fears and watch them melt away’ By Mwangi Ndegwa

Fuel is anything that can be ignited to produce heat, light or power. It comes in many forms. Some in solid form like coal, firewood and charcoal,...

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Fuel is anything that can be ignited to produce heat, light or power. It comes in many forms. Some in solid form like coal, firewood and charcoal, others in liquid form like gasoline, diesel, kerosine or organic oils. Others are in gaseous form example LPG or methane.

Fuel can be used in many ways. It can be used to give heat, light or indirectly power. It has also been used for wrong purposes like in the case of terrorists and arsonists. For any fuel to give off either of the above, it has to be transformed from its dormant potential state to active kinetic state. This is done through igniting  it using any sparks from either a lighter, match stick or sparks from an electric source like a car battery. Fuel is only useful in its kinetic form so until combustion takes place, that fuel is of little value.

I know many are asking about the correlation between fear and fuel. Fear in its dormant state has no effect on us whatsoever. It also comes in different forms. We’ve heard of so many types of phobias or fears. For fear to have any effect on a person, it has to be activated in the same way fuel is ignited. The major trigger of fear is often uncertainty. If you don’t have all the information about somebody or something, the chances of you having some degree of fear about them is almost 100%. Fear mostly causes damage but it can be used for some positive things. Fear of getting scalded or burnt makes a person more careful when near any heat sources. Fear of destruction caused by fire makes one take a lot of caution when dealing with highly combustible materials.

On the flip side, fear has been used by people in authority either political, financial, social or religious to oppress the less privileged.

However, despite all this, the good news is that you can overcome your fears. In reality, what we dread or fear is usually not that threatening if we take time to understand it. We should also train ourselves to confront that, which we fear, because once you confront it, it melts away. Don’t let fear cripple you or stop you from becoming the person you were created to be. Don’t allow anything you come across to ignite this thing called FEAR. I would like to conclude with something I read somewhere – Fear is an acronym and here is how it is described





Confront your fears and watch them melt away. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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