A good friend of mine shared this phenomenon with me and I felt it’s a good one to start the year.  My...

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A good friend of mine shared this phenomenon with me and I felt it’s a good one to start the year.  My main question for today is, as we near mid year, “ARE YOU A WALL OR A BRIDGE?”

You know, walls and bridges are made of the same material but have very different roles; a WALL DIVIDES people while a BRIDGE CONNECTS/UNITES people. when you made your resolutions at the beginning of the year, (for those who do), did you vow to be that positively oriented person? That person who seeks to make people feel better? That bridge that we need other than a wall which separates people?

Many a time, we fall into the trap of allowing politics to be a dividing factor rather than a unifying one. My plea is for us to remember that what matters most, is who the other person is, not what they are. Becoming that bridge that unites us as leaders and individuals is very important.

Both bridges and walls are made out of intention. That is, to become that bridge, we must make a choice to unite and most importantly, to love.

Are you that person who loves stereotyping others? Please learn to love and be a BRIDGE.

Are you that person who likes to gossip and hence draw people apart? Please be that BRIDGE.

Are you always the one negatively criticising others? Please be more loving and become that BRIDGE.

Building bridges requires trust and love even when the other person does not deserve it. May we vow to be Bridge builders rather than wall builders in 2017 even as we look forward to great accomplishments and establishments this year.  I am a bridge not a wall, Best wishes from, Mercy Karumba To read more posts by Mercy, click HERE

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  1. Julius Muthoni       Reply

    Mercy, this true definition of outright purpose to Impact.

    Your writing remain a blessing to me. You’re a destiny shaper filled6 indeed by trajectory of essence and invaluable capacities.

    Thanks for the insightful and challenging read.

    I desire to be the bridge for a better course of 2017.

    Thank you. May you be the bridge too as you’ve been to the uncountable hearts.

    1. Mercy Karumba       Reply

      Thank you Julius. Friends like you inspire me to keep writing and be a bridge.