A story is told about a hen and a pig. They were both walking along the streets when they peeked through the window...

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A story is told about a hen and a pig. They were both walking along the streets when they peeked through the window of a family house, and there was a family happily having breakfast. The breakfast was made up of ham and eggs.

The hen spoke in excitement,”I can’t help but watch in awe just how much we participate in bringing out this happiness and bond for this family through the meal.”
A tear dropped from the pig’s eye, and the hen wondered what would make the pig cry, yet this was a proud moment for them.
“Laying an egg for the family to enjoy is a day’s job for you, hence just an involvement. However, for me, it’s all about laying down my life, which is total commitment.”

The question to us is, in whatever you are in, is it just an INVOLVEMENT or a COMMITMENT? Are you feeling so proud of yourself after an involvement or commitment?

At the workplace, do you give your all when undertaking projects and assignments? Would you truly say when credit is given that it cost you or were you just involved? In your marriage/relationship have you stuck together this long and in love, because of being just involved or are you totally committed? In your friendships, what extra mile are you going in commitment to make the other person better?

There is a big difference between being merely involved and being genuinely committed. Commitment comes with giving something. It has a cost attached to it rather than the normal daily operations of life like the hen’s case; the pig gives away his life for us to enjoy the ham/bacon.

 Just pause before ranting on why this or that did not work out or before celebrating a particular milestone. As we evaluate our achievements and failures, let us ask, am I just INVOLVED or am I COMMITTED?  To read more posts by Mercy, click HERE

Photo credit: Laura Berman

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  1. kago helen       Reply

    Very educative.