THE YEAR THAT WAS’ By Mwangi Ndegwa

2019 is now coming to a close as people wind down on the festivities. The focus will soon shift to January - the dreaded month which seems...

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2019 is now coming to a close as people wind down on the festivities. The focus will soon shift to January – the dreaded month which seems to last forever. There are some who say that January has 40 days instead of 31 and is considered to be the most financially challenging month. The major cause of this is often overspending during the December holidays such that when January checks in, most people’s accounts are in negative territory.

There are others who cannot wait to see the last of this year. To many, 2019 is a representation of bad memories because nothing went right. Many are complaining of the harsh economic times and they believe 2020 might bring better tidings. I won’t agree or deny this but I would love to see this from a slightly different perspective.

If you went with a glass to a tap and upon opening it, dirty water flows out, you will definitely know the reservoir or storage tank is contaminated. We are the custodians of our times and what we do with it determines the outcome(s) that we see in our lives. A second, minute, hour, day, week, month or year, can’t be said to be good or bad. It is wholly dependent upon what its custodians (in this case us human beings), do with the time. The kind of output is directly proportional to our input.

As we conclude 2019 and prepare to usher in 2020, let us use these last days to reflect on the year that was. What we did right, let us do more of it in the new year and what we did amiss, let us purpose to rectify this in the new year. What we do with that time measurement called one year  is all up to us. Let us not blame the government, economy, politicians or the weather. We have the authority and control over all these so let us exercise it positively.

Remember that good or bad year is solely dependent upon your actions and activity within the said period. Time, like money has no character. It takes on the character of the person holding it. The best lessons of life can only be learned from the past but can only be applied in the present and future. So dear friends, make 2020 the best year ever by doing the right things, the right time, the right way.

Allow me to conclude by saying, you can never get clean water from a dirty reservoir neither can you get dirty water from a clean reservoir. Our minds are the reservoirs of what will done within the year. So, until we speak again in the new year 2020, wishing you all, the best in your endeavours.  To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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