‘Past Choices should never define you’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

We define our lives by the choices we make every day. We arise and decide which directions and desire our lives will take. The happenings of yesterday...

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We define our lives by the choices we make every day. We arise and decide which directions and desire our lives will take. The happenings of yesterday and the yesteryears do have an impact on the choices we make but they do not define us. The decisions we make every day, do.

As we age, we become wiser and our perspective is enhanced as we weave off naivety and embrace foresight and prudence. As is often said, we have little to no control over what happens to us but how we respond to the situation is a reserve of who we are and is a function of what we can control

The good book tells us that a man who can control himself/his temper is better than one who takes over a city. The thoughts we think of ourselves and what we decide to do with our future is what defines us as men, for as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is.

We are free to dream and venture, we are free to explore and examine and to discover our treasure. Every morning we arise, we are conscious that the mistakes of yesterday have taught us great irrevocable lessons; the successes of yesterday have strengthened our resolve and shown us what we are capable of however, what we are now and what we will be tomorrow, is a function of the decisions we make today and tomorrow.

Every morning we therefore have a chance to carve ourselves a new path, we are the masters of our fates and captains of our souls. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s new world. To get a female perspective on this, check out Mercy’s post HERE

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