Life is short and frail. Make sure you make the most of every moment. Make those around you feel loved and appreciated at every opportunity you get...

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Life is short and frail. Make sure you make the most of every moment. Make those around you feel loved and appreciated at every opportunity you get as our days are few, unknown, and numbered. Therefore run wild, live free and love strong. There might not be a tomorrow to say I love you. Go ahead and say it now.

Let those you love know both by action and by words. Take your phone and call your spouse, your father, mother, brother, sister, brother, lover etc. and tell them you love them. Seek forgiveness from those you have wronged and reconcile soonest.

Across the earth we are born and we pass through like a shadow. We last as long as the flame of a candle, as soon as the wind blows and the silver cord is severed, our flamed is snuffed out and we are gone. Soon we are no more. Therefore, make the most of every moment.

Fill your life with fun filled moments. Enrich it with experiences of grandeur. Set out and go on vacations, go on holidays, take a road trip to the wild, wild west, live your life to the fullest. Let your loved ones know how much you value them and how important they are to you.

Pour yourself out, like a drink offering. Do not hold back. Terrorize your loved ones with too much love and care, apologize readily, be quick to forgive and live a life of no regrets.

Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s new world. To get a female perspective on this, check out Mercy’s post HERE

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