On’ FACE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

This life is a continual conquest filled with boisterous winds that separate the grains from the chaff, valleys and mountains that distinguish gladiators from wimps, challenges that...

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This life is a continual conquest filled with boisterous winds that separate the grains from the chaff, valleys and mountains that distinguish gladiators from wimps, challenges that refine our characters, expose who we are and strengthen our resolve. After all, pure gold is not afraid of the fire. Face it head on.

Once your vision is clear, and the road map is drawn, do not vacate your position, stay on course, persevere in there and continue in your diligence, for diligent hands will rule however, laziness ends only in slave labour.

Gather around you men of known repute, men on whose laps wisdom resides, drink of their counsel and set out to work, grind in day and night, you will overcome. The process is essential; it may not seem pleasant at the time, but the end thereof is splendid and joyous.

Be open to change and be responsive to feedback; pivot where there is need to; permit a change of strategy but do not vacate your course. Keep on, keeping on. Your day of dawn will come. The changes that happen do not follow a critical mass. They just build on, once you get to critical mass, everything unravels in its time and the universe conspires as well to put you through and get you ahead.

I’ll finish with a verse from Shakira’s song Waka Waka It’s time for Africa “You’re a good soldier, Choosing your battles, Pick yourself up, And dust yourself off, And get back in the saddle, You’re on the front line, Everyone’s watching, You know it’s serious, We are getting closer, This isn’t over, The pressure’s on, You feel it, But you got it all, Believe it, When you fall, Get up oh, oh, If you fall, Get up eh, eh, Zamina mina, Zangalewa, Cause this is Africa.

Catch the song for some inspiration. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s new world. To get a female perspective on this, check out Mercy’s post HERE

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