On ‘ALONE TIME’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

The good book behooves us there is nothing better for a man to do than to eat and drink and to find satisfaction in all the days...

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The good book behooves us there is nothing better for a man to do than to eat and drink and to find satisfaction in all the days of his life. This requires some alone time away from the hustles and bustles of life; just to blend in with nature and to enjoy the company with your loved one or by yourself for a recharge.

It’s very possible to find you and your partner as housemates, who never take time to notice or even enjoy what’s happening in each other’s lives. You can be preoccupied with the daily happenings of life; such that you end up being roommates with someone you once deeply loved and before you know it, you are living with a stranger in the house.

Set aside some time to just be yourselves. Away from work, away from responsibilities, just some fun time. Go for vacations as well at some point of the year. Just have that time.

Also give each other time to be yourselves when apart from each other; go and spend time with your friends or use your time as you please. You do not have to always be where your partner is, sticking your nose in what they are doing. Give them the liberty and show them trust.

Men for example, need to crawl back into their caves to reconnect with their core strengths and they will bounce back like a rubber band full of life and strongly rejuvenated. Women too need their own time, to go do their own things.

Alone time is a treasure you cannot afford to ignore. Keep it alive, keep it vibrant. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s new world. To get a female perspective on this, check out Mercy’s post HERE

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