People pleasing is one of those attributes most of us would deny that we possess. However, it is a trait most of us struggle with...

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People pleasing is one of those attributes most of us would deny that we possess. However, it is a trait most of us struggle with especially from childhood.

As Marcia Sirota puts it “Because children take everything personally, they believe that if they are being mistreated, it’s because they haven’t been “good enough.” Being good as an adult makes them believe, incorrectly, that they have some control in life. They believe they will be rewarded for their goodness and that it will protect them from harm.” 

Do we often find ourselves struggling between doing what makes us happy and contented, and doing what others would rather have us do? How does it feel after-wards? Many a time, it leaves us heart-broken and frustrated because sadly, the rule of the law is that we cannot please everyone, all the time. 

What vision did you have in mind? For your business, for your relationship, for your career, for your education, for every single area of your life? How about we challenge ourselves to remain visionary and pursue that which lights a fire in our hearts other than putting so much effort into pleasing people?

It’s time to say NO when we mean it! It’s time to take courage and stand for what we believe is right! It’s time to trust our gut-feeling when we should! It’s time we took the courage to defend those who matter most to us, even when everyone else thinks otherwise! It’s time we worked towards our vision without getting distracted by what people will say, or the ‘what-ifs’ that come our way! It’s time to remain Visionary!

“The biggest mistake we commit in life is to think that others will be affected by our action(s) and we shall leave some effect on them. In this hope, we make others’ reactions our priority and fail to perform the task we’re supposed to do, right at the moment.”  ― Himmilicious    To get a male perspective on this, please read Mitchell’s post HERE 

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