How many times do we make decisions selfishly, the attitude of,’I don’t care about you as long as it works well for me.’

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How many times do we make decisions selfishly, the attitude of,’I don’t care about you as long as it works well for me.’

A story is told about two men who were out on the ocean in a boat. One of them began drilling the bottom of the boat, and the other, aghast said “What are you doing? Stop drilling!”  And the first man replied: “It’s all right. I’m only drilling on my side. “We can all guess how that story ended.

It’s very important to consider the feelings of others and what repercussions our actions have on them. Did you know that every little thing you do affects the people around you, whether directly or indirectly? Simple things like over speeding when driving, you may want to get to where you are going as quickly as possible but what about the other road users? How many people are you putting at risk? You may not care about losing your own life, but have you considered your own family or those who love you so much?

Political differences make us think that those with whom we do not share the same beliefs and affiliations are not important. As you utter those mean words, do you realize that in the event of a war and/or unrest, you will have sunk the boat on both sides?

You fail to give your all in the organization in which you are employed and at times you are even ‘stealing’ and bringing losses to the company.You just don’t care as long as you are not the boss, and you have extra coins in your pocket each day. What happens when the company sinks into debt? We have seen and heard enough examples of such businesses failing due to poor management and the full ramifications on employees.

You say you just don’t care how the other person thinks or feels, as long as you are happy. Are you sure their joy and comfort does not influence yours? Let us be careful and avoid being arrogant forgetting that we are actually in the boat, and the drilled hole will sink all of us. To read more posts by Mercy, click HERE

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