My fiancée keeps saying life is made of moments and that it’s the little moments that make life beautiful, the little things we do that...

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My fiancée keeps saying life is made of moments and that it’s the little moments that make life beautiful, the little things we do that collectively don the canvas of life with a lot of charm and entertainment. I wasn’t paying much attention to this until I thought about it recently.

We are impressed by people when they deal with us respectably, using the magic words: Please, Sorry, Thank you, Excuse me. So, soft skills of life are very essential and do make a difference.

When people show up on time, when they keep their communication lines open, deliver on their promises, are reliable, speak well of others, are ambitious, we tend to love their company because they make our hearts merry.

This is what we should aspire to become to our partners, in our workplaces, and in society around us. Be authentic, be a breath of fresh air. Let those who see you, see good deeds and those who hear about you, hear of praise worthy noble acts.

Pay attention to the little things your partner says and reward them with that. When it is raining for example, grab an umbrella and go get them or pick them up from work. When she speaks about a craving, get it, surprise her/him on his/her birthday, enjoy their hobbies with them and effortlessly communicate in your day to day lives, that you care for one another.

When they tell you that they don’t like certain things, avoid those things, you notice they need help, volunteer your assistance without waiting to be asked, if you notice that they need a shoulder to lean on, provide that, when they need to talk, listen. Make a difference in your partner’s life.

Truth be told, when you put a smile on someone else’s face, it transmits joy to your heart. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this,  please check out Mercy’s post HERE

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