Sometimes it’s the little things that mean the most. Probably you are seated there wondering how to make her happy and all you can think...

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Sometimes it’s the little things that mean the most. Probably you are seated there wondering how to make her happy and all you can think about is that dream car, that awesome mansion, that prime holiday destination. Guess what, sometimes it’s not the big things that makes one feel happy and loved. Often it’s the very small actions that we do.

As you sit there feeling so bad that you cannot afford the big things, probably all she is wishing for, is that person to buy her that hotdog. Not that she cannot afford it, but getting it from you means a lot. Probably all he is wishing for, is a random visit to his office or a text telling him how much you appreciate all that he does. Probably all that will make her smile is a text telling her,” Good morning my beautiful queen,” or even holding her hand as you walk on the streets. Probably all you need to bring cheer is to sing that favourite love song to him/her. Some of these things that look pretty small and petty may be the very thing that will make her smile and glow the whole day.

Sometimes we put so many conditions and restrictions to what love means, but you would be surprised that the happiest people are not always the richest. It’s not about having the finest of things, but rather, having the finest of moments together. It’s about knowing that you have someone cheering you on, knowing that someone somewhere, appreciates and prays for you. It’s about knowing that you have someone you can call in the middle of the night, without feeling like  you are bothering them.

Remember that sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of his/her heart.  What are the small things that make you/them smile? What comes to mind when you think about this? To get a male perspective on this, check out Mitchell’s post HERE

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