On ‘BE THE SUPPORT SYSTEM’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

In a treacherous world full of constant planning, where humans plot and ploy to advance their interests at the expense of others, be your partner’s...

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In a treacherous world full of constant planning, where humans plot and ploy to advance their interests at the expense of others, be your partner’s support system. Life is cruel and the universe is harsh, make sure to defend the ones you love and to defend their cause.

Men – When your wife/woman comes home and wants to share with you, details about her day, pull up a chair, sit down and listen. When she vents about her unreasonable workmates, the tough boss, just listen. What she is looking for, is an outlet to vent her frustrations and she will be fie. Let me just help you, this is not the time to let your wife know how wrong she was or how something was her fault. Lol. Woe unto you if you do. Reasonably engage and devise solutions and interventions for extreme cases that require intervention.

Women – When your husband/man tells you about this coming Champions League fixture or league games, World Cup, Safari rally, rugby or whatever, this is not the time to remind him how he spends his time watching football. Instead, support him. Get yourself a jersey of his favourite team and join him in the applause. Spend time with him enjoying what he loves.

Make sure the house is a home your partner looks forward to coming to, each day. An environment of joy, love, fun and friendship and guard that diligently. Let your partner delight at the thought of going home and they will readily make their way home.

Otherwise, if your household is a treacherous fortress filled with built up animosity, rage and envy, no one will want to come home for more wear and tear. They will avoid the family unit and this will wear your love out and bring you great distress and with it, further complications.

Let your house/home serve as a refinery centre where your partner returns to be refreshed and polished. We achieve that by supporting our partner’s dreams, comforting them and being ever present for them especially at significant moments.  Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, please read Mercy’s post HERE

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