There are many times when we go through the deepest valleys of our lives. So many times when we wish we could have that safe...

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There are many times when we go through the deepest valleys of our lives. So many times when we wish we could have that safe haven where we can let out our deepest fear and pain. So many times when we want that person who means so much to us, to look us in the eye and tell us,” Everything is going to be okay”.

So many couples live together and yet feel lonely inside. So many women believe their dreams don’t matter and that all they had planned, for their career or business, is slowly going down the drain. Why is that? He never cares about what she wants to do with her life, neither is he concerned about what she is passionate about. As long as she lives out her roles as a wife or mother. This has led to many women living bitter lives and wishing they never got into this, yet it is too late.

A good number of men on the other hand, live lonely lives, believing they are working in vain and not feeling appreciated. So many wish their wives and kids were there cheering them on, and yet no one seems to care as long as he puts food on the table. No one is there to applause him for each successful step that he takes nor to encourage him to rise up when he falls. This has led to many falling into depression and even a good number of them, taking their lives.

How much of a support system are you to your better half or even those around you? Do you cheer them on when they need it? Do you know what their hearts beats for, what they are passionate about, and are you ready to do all that you can to help them achieve their purpose?

Are you that safe space they can rely in when they feel overwhelmed? Are you the person they can lean on when the whole world is against them? Can they trust to tell you things they cannot open up to anyone else? Are you that support system? To get a male perspective on this, check out Mitch’s post HERE

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