On ‘Men and their Gadgets’ By Mercy Karumba

It's just interesting to see how men have not just a relationship but a SPECIAL relationship with their gadgets. In this case please...

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It’s just interesting to see how men have not just a relationship but a SPECIAL relationship with their gadgets. In this case please include the TV remote control as well. I have always wondered why men become so attached to their gadgets with even some calling their laptop or the car their ‘baby’.  I really feel for his woman but I guess, all is okay, if she’s fine with this.

I once read that some men use their flashy gadgets to attract women. You know a flashy car, a flashy watch, the latest phone etc. That these gadgets boost his ego as a man. I can bet this also works for him among his peers. He feels on a higher level if he has the most expensive car, ipad or watch.

Men are always the most excited with the latest gadgets in town compared to ladies. Though I guess this varies with age. Somehow, gadgets are a source of happiness and power to the man, just like women find a source of belonging in family and people.

Sometimes his gadget may breed a bit of jealousy from his woman if she believes that he values this gadget more than he values her. I am sure most of us have heard about the story of the father who hurt his child’s fingers for scribbling on his car, only to realize the child had written an ‘I love you dad’ message on the car. I think this is just a wake up call and reminder that at times, men value their gadgets far more than is necessary. However as the woman, understanding his love for gadgets and embracing what he loves, would be the sweetest gift that you can give to him.

To get a male perspective on this, please read my colleague Mitchell’s views HERE

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1 comment

  1. Anthony Ochan       Reply

    A very thoughful, beautiful, well crafted piece Mercy.I am looking forward to reading the male perspective and offer my views later