On ‘Men and their Gadgets’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

Could there be a special relationship between men and their gadgets? From a tender age, men have an attachment towards toys and this...

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Could there be a special relationship between men and their gadgets? From a tender age, men have an attachment towards toys and this predisposition never leaves them even in adulthood. It barely transitions from toys to SUVs, Trucks, or big footed Pick Ups, phone simulations (whether bought or made out of mud), to expensive handsets, watches, home theatres, Flat screen TV Sets etc. What is going on here?

Does wielding such equipment communicate a sense of power, freedom, or ownership? What is the psychology behind this? Could an understanding of this mystery enhance your relationship with him? Perhaps it could improve your relationship with him, would you not agree?

Men like to feel powerful and possession of such gadgets strokes their egos the right way. You should see it in how he likes to fit his car for example. If big footed, it will probably have protruding rims and a very pronounced engine that announces his arrival everywhere he passes by. He will most likely keep it rugged, yet unscratched. The alternative would be to maintain a sleek car, with tinted windows and forever clean as if new.

If you want him to pronounce his love for you in ways you have never perceived before, help him have his gadgets as is befitting to his personality. His desire for you will explode within him manifoldly and without restraint. He will shower you with too much mushiness. I promise if the economy is treated after this manner, recession would end.

My advice to female friends is, monitor your man’s attitude towards his gadgets and pamper it. If he likes them huge, embrace it, if rather than huge, he likes them sleek, love sleek as well. He will love you to the death. 

Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world.  To get a female perspective on this, please read my colleague Mercy’s views HERE

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1 comment

  1. Anthony Ochan       Reply

    Thanks Odhiambo for offering the male perspective, as I read through Mercy’s argument i was about to make a certain position but realized there is a male version of the story. keep this blog up and running, i like it